Managing GERD Back Pain: Effective Solutions & Tips

Are you experiencing GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) and back pain? This article explains how your back pain symptoms and GERD can be connected. We explain what is causing it and what you can do about it. We also aim to equip you with knowledge on managing GERD-related back pain longer term and how to prevent it from arising.

What is GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is chronic acid reflux. This is when stomach acid frequently flows back into your esophagus, causing a range of uncomfortable acid reflux symptoms that can disrupt your daily life. Common signs of GERD include a burning sensation in your chest, known as heartburn, and a sour taste in your mouth.

The primary issue in GERD is the malfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter. Put more simply, the muscle that is supposed to keep stomach acids where they belong, in unable to do so effectively.

When this muscle does not function properly, acid and food can flow back up, leading to back pain and other symptoms such as sore throats and difficulty swallowing. Risk factors for developing acid reflux include obesity, smoking, and certain dietary habits.

How does GERD cause chronic pain?

You may be surprised to learn that acid reflux can be linked to back pain. Imagine your esophagus and the nerves in your back as interconnected. When GERD causes inflammation in the esophagus, it can send pain signals to your back, particularly between your shoulder blades. This is known as "referred pain."

This pain is real and often feels like a burning sensation in the middle of your back. If you notice this type of pain after eating acidic foods, GERD could be the cause.

Additionally, persistent stress can contribute to the onset of GERD-induced back pain and also exacerbate symptoms. Stress can heighten the sensitivity of your nervous system – a disordered state that is also known as central sensitization – causing you to experience heightened pain responses1. In this state, your central nervous system (your brain and spinal cord) becomes hyperactive, transforming normal sensations into painful experiences, even when there's no actual injury or threat present.

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How to treat GERD-related back pain

Addressing acid reflux and its accompanying back pain requires a tailored strategy to treat acid reflux and alleviate symptoms.

Treating acid reflux, usually through lifestyle changes and medications, can help you to manage your symptoms and maintain your back health. Understanding different triggers allows you to make informed choices to avoid the discomfort associated with GERD, ultimately leading to improved wellbeing.

Lifestyle changes

Chronic pain from back issues can be managed through lifestyle changes, which also help in reducing GERD symptoms. It’s about laying a strong foundation for a life free from GERD-related distress – steering clear of known irritants while taking care of your digestive health2.

Ways that you can modify your lifestyle to reduce these issues include the following.

  • Opting for smaller meals and avoiding late-night snacks can significantly reduce GERD symptoms and the associated back pain.
  • Sitting and standing up straighter throughout the day can prevent additional pressure on your abdomen.
  • Elevating your head during sleep can help keep stomach acid in its place through the night.
  • Taking your time to chew your food thoroughly to support a healthier digestive process.

By staying away from these common triggers, you can help keep GERD symptoms under control and prevent new episodes of acid reflux. The way you eat is also important – sitting up straight during meals helps your digestive system work more effectively.

Dietary changes

Avoiding foods that trigger acid reflux is key to this dietary approach3. Certain foods are common acid reflux triggers, which lead to trigger symptoms such as an increase in stomach acid and subsequent back pain. Common trigger foods may include (although individual reactions may vary):

  • spicy dishes
  • citrus fruits
  • caffeine
  • fatty meals
  • tomatoes
  • onions
  • garlic
  • chocolate
  • peppermint.

It's not only about what you eat but also how you eat. Large meals can increase the likelihood of acid reflux, which can lead to back pain. Eating smaller, more frequent meals can help mitigate this risk. Additionally, avoid eating right before bedtime or lying down immediately after meals, as this can facilitate the backflow of stomach acid.

Stress management

Stress, often a silent aggravator of GERD symptoms, can make managing this condition more challenging. Integrating stress reduction techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga into your routine may decrease the frequency and severity of GERD flare-ups. These calming practices can reduce physical tension and promote overall wellness.

Research has recognized the link between psychological stress and reflux esophagitis, highlighting the importance of stress control in managing GERD4. Regularly practicing relaxation techniques can act as a buffer against life's stresses, providing relief for both your mind and your esophagus.

Regular exercise

Engaging in regular physical activity is essential for relieving GERD-related back pain. Maintaining a consistent exercise regimen helps control weight, which subsequently decreases abdominal pressure and minimizes the chances of experiencing acid reflux.

Low-impact activities, such as walking or participating in yoga, can be particularly beneficial. Incorporating physical activity into your daily routine establishes a strong, natural defense for balancing your digestive health and may reduce reliance on medications or other treatments.


When lifestyle changes are insufficient, medication becomes a critical tool for treatment. Various over-the-counter options are available to quickly ease discomfort by neutralizing excess stomach acid. Common GERD treatments include:

  • Antacids: These offer immediate, though temporary, relief from stomach acid.
  • H2 blockers: These reduce the production of stomach acid, providing longer-lasting relief.
  • Prokinetic agents: These medications help speed up the movement of food through the stomach, reducing the risk of acid reflux.

Medications play an essential role in combating GERD, offering relief from pain and enabling individuals to enjoy life.

For those whose symptoms persist despite lifestyle changes, prescription drugs like proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) might be necessary. PPIs work by significantly reducing stomach acid production, which aids in healing the esophagus.

As with any medications, regularly talking with your primary healthcare professionals is very important to make sure that your treatment plans are working for you.

Surgical interventions

If lifestyle modifications and drug treatments fail to curb GERD, surgical intervention might be considered. Fundoplication surgery strengthens the lower esophageal sphincter and can substantially alleviate severe symptoms of the condition. This surgical method is designed to alleviate symptoms of acid reflux and diminish the back pain that often accompanies GERD, helping patients regain their usual comfort and quality of life.

Complications of untreated GERD

Ignoring the symptoms of GERD is not merely a matter of enduring discomfort; it is a risky gamble against serious health issues. Untreated acid reflux can lead to complications such as Barrett’s esophagus, which significantly increases the risk of esophageal cancer and negatively impacts the quality of life.

Excess weight or obesity also escalates the likelihood of developing esophageal cancer. Persistent acid reflux can evolve into high-grade dysplasia, a condition with a high potential to turn into malignant cells. Addressing the risk factors associated with GERD is a critical measure to protect your wellbeing for years to come.

How to prevent GERD-related back pain from coming back

Prevention is key, with regular physical activity, conscious dietary choices, and stress management forming the pillars of a comprehensive health maintenance plan. Making mindful dietary choices helps combat acid reflux. These are not temporary fixes but integral parts of a long-term approach to wellness. The ultimate goal is to address the root causes of acid reflux, alleviate relentless back pain, and navigate towards a more comfortable way of living.

When to Seek Medical Attention

If you consistently face the challenges of GERD symptoms and back pain that don't improve with home care and lifestyle changes, it is important to consult a healthcare provider. Enduring such discomfort should not become a normal part of your routine, and professional medical advice may be necessary to alleviate your symptoms.

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